Examples for our virtual productions.



Curious? Here are some examples of our virtual productions.



Example 1


This example involves training content from the machart Academy. The presenter was recorded in our green screen studio and stands in a completely virtual studio environment, realised entirely in 3D.

The monitor in the foreground and the three large monitors in the background are freely playable with all conceivable content, such as videos, graphics and live streams. The camera, lighting and monitor content are controlled live via our composing software.

Example 2


In this example, the protagonists are also standing in our green screen studio. The office environment, with the exception of the whiteboard, is 100% virtual. Here too, the monitor (left on the wall) is freely playable.

Content can be recorded live using the composing software.

Up to 16 different camera settings can be pre-defined for each scene and then used live.

Thanks again to the machart Academy for the material provided :)

More examples of our work will follow soon.
